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    A Window Glass Price Guide

    When planning a budget for your home repairs or improvements, it's important consider your windows and your window glass price.
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    While each type of glass has different benefits, they also come with a wide range of price tags. Factors such as glare reduction and energy efficiency may be improved with certain types of glass. Read on to learn more about finding the best window glass price for your budget.

    Gas-Filled Window Glass Price

    Gas-filled windows are very popular for their superior thermal performance. Because an inert gas is placed between the panes, gas-filled windows are able to cut down on the amount of heat that escapes from your home. Gas-filled windows will generally add around $15 per square foot to your window glass price.

    Insulated Window Glass Price

    An insulated window is a great choice for any homeowner concerned with energy efficiency. Insulated windows contain two or more glass panes, spaced out and sealed specifically for insulation purposes. Because of this enhanced energy efficiency, insulated windows are required in many building codes. Insulated glass will generally cost around $10 per square foot and up, making it an affordable option for those concerned about their window glass price.

    Heat Absorbing Tinted Glass

    As the name implies, heat absorbing tinted glass is perfect for any homeowner living in an intensely sunny area. Because of a special glaze, heat absorbing tinted glass absorbs energy, helping to reduce the glare from the sun in your home. Windows with heat absorbing tints will generally add about $6 to $15 per square foot to your window glass price.

    Low-Emissivity Coatings (Low-E Glass)

    Also known as low-e coatings or low-e glass, low-emissivity coatings help to reduce the heat flow from the home, keeping your rooms cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Homes with low-e coatings on their window glass can reduce their heat loss by as much as 50%. A low-e window glass price will generally be around $14 per square foot. Additionally, in the long run, low-e coatings will help you save money on energy bills.

    Spectrally Selective Coatings

    Much like heat absorbing tinted glass, spectrally selective coatings are great for warm, sunny areas. While still allowing the full amount of sunlight in, spectrally selective coatings significantly help to reduce the amount of heat the home. These coatings will keep your rooms cool during days of intense heat, without reducing the amount of light. Your window glass price will usually be around $9 to $12 per square foot if you decide to use spectrally selective coatings.

    Tempered Glass

    One of the stronger types of glass available, tempered glass is specially made to protect your home from outside forces such as winds and thermal effects. Tempered glass is very strong, and it also crumbles when broken, which is much safer than the shattering of standard glass. Tempered glass will generally add about $12 to $14 per square foot to your window glass price.

    Reflective Coatings

    Reflective coatings help to reduce solar radiation into the home. Because of this benefit, reflective coatings are popular with larger buildings as well. Reflective coated glass won't add too much to your window glass price, generally costing anywhere from $6 to $15 per square foot.

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