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    Is it Time to Replace Your Windows?

    Single-Pane Or Double-Pane?

    When considering front window replacement, every homeowner should take into account the types of windows they have. Many older homes use single-pane windows, which are much less energy efficient. You can easily identify your window type by the amount of glass in the window (single-pane has one piece of glass, double-pane has two pieces of glass, and so forth).

    While single-pane windows tend to let more drafts into your house and wear down more easily, double and triple-pane windows can show wear as well. Look out for condensation forming on double or triple-pane windows—this is a sign that you may need a front window replacement.

    Does Your Home Feel Drafty?

    Another major sign that it’s time for a front window replacement is a “drafty” feeling in your home. Older, less efficient windows may make residents feel uncomfortably chilly. This may be a sign that your window seal has lost its effectiveness. If you or residents of your home notice a significant draft, it may be time for a front window replacement.

    In addition to drafts of cold air, older windows may also allow outdoor noise to seep in. If you can hear clear sounds from the outdoors, a front window replacement may be the right choice for your home.

    Energy Efficiency

    Replacing your windows with more energy efficient choices is one of the best reasons to invest in a front window replacement. While replacing your windows may initially seem like a large financial investment, over time, this renovation can actually save you money. Windows that allow more cold air into your home can dramatically increase your energy bill. Older homes with single-pane windows are especially susceptible to high energy bills. These older windows tend to conduct cold temperatures and can even freeze shut.

    Housing Makeover

    A front window replacement is often necessary for aesthetic reasons. Perhaps you are having trouble opening or closing your windows. Or, perhaps your windows no longer fit with the rest of your home’s style. In order to maintain a consistent look, or to give your home a fresh makeover, a front window replacement can drastically improve the appearance of your house.

    Is it Time for Front Window Replacement?

    It’s very important to regularly examine your windows in order to keep an efficient and beautiful house. If windows are considered the eyes to a home, then older, worn out windows can both cost you unnecessary amounts of money and give your home a tired look. Make sure your home has the windows that you and your family deserve by contacting a contractor today.

    Photo Credits: A Guide to Window Replacement © Roman Sigaev/ | Window Replacement Cost: A Quick Overview © 3darcastudio/ | A Guide to Types of Window Glass and Glazing © zhu difeng/ | Types of Windows for Your Home © pictarena / | Cost of Solar - Solar Panel © singkham/ | Windows for Your Region © GChristo/ | The Guide to New Window Installation © KB3/ | Energy Efficient Windows © kange_one/ | Find Solar Installers with SolarContact Online © Monkey Business/