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    The Prices for Aluminum Doors

    For homeowners concerned about the price and durability of their entry doors, aluminum is an excellent material to consider. Aluminum is also very easy to recycle, making it a great option for environmentally conscious households. For homeowners looking for the best aluminum door price, there are many factors to consider.
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    Aluminum is a very useful metal, included in everything from toasters to power lines. An aluminum door is also very customizable, due to the material being relatively easy to treat. Read on to help determine the best price for your aluminum entry door. 

    General Prices for Aluminum Doors

    Because the material is fairly inexpensive, an aluminum door price falls on the lower end of the price spectrum for entry doors. An aluminum entry door will generally cost anywhere from $300 to $500 and up. This low price is due to the fact that the material can be easily recycled and is readily available.

    Added Features for Aluminum Entry Doors

    In order to attain the right look for their home, many homeowners work closely with their contractor to design their entry door. For a typical aluminum entry door, additions such as a knob, knocker, and lock will generally add $300 to $400 to the total aluminum door price. 

    Glass is a vital factor in determining the total costs. The most popular glass additions are transoms and sidelights. Transoms are window panels above the door, while sidelights are panels on either side of the aluminum door. Glass additions such as these will generally add around $600 to $3,000 to your aluminum door price. 

    Many homeowners also decide to stain their aluminum entry door to give it a brand new look. While staining the aluminum door is a popular DIY project, a contractor is often advised to oversee the finish. 

    Energy Efficiency and Tax Credits

    Aluminum tends to be less energy efficient than many other entry door materials such as steel or fiberglass. This is due mainly to the material's thermal conductivity, which means that the aluminum entry door will absorb the heat or cold from its surrounding temperatures. An aluminum door generally has an R-value between R-1 and R-2. However, additional insulation can be added to increase that number to R-15 or higher. An insulation core will add $100 to $400 to your aluminum door price. 

    Sustainably Sourced Aluminum Doors

    Because aluminum is a recyclable material, it is one of the more sustainable options for entry doors. Additionally, there have been serious efforts made to decease the manufacturing of new aluminum in favor of recycling the material. This is because aluminum takes more energy to extract and manufacture than any other material. Because the material is infinitely recyclable, 75 percent of the entirety of aluminum produced is still in use. 

    Summary: Durable, Affordable, and Sustainable

    Aluminum entry doors are a strong, inexpensive choice. Additionally, because the material is so simple to customize, it is easy to get the aluminum entry door of your choice. It's essential to contact a contractor before installing your aluminum entry door in order to make the best decision for your home. Use HomeAdvancement's easy links to find an aluminum entry door today.   



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    Written by: Adilson Dos Santos Jr., Editor