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    The Prices for Exterior Entry Doors

    From the rustic grain of wood to the high-efficiency of alternative materials such as fiberglass, an exterior entry door adds character and warmth to your home. For homeowners concerned with their exterior entry door price, it is important to be familiar with all the available options, as well as their prices.
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    While some materials and types of doors are more expensive, there are still standard designs of all types that are relatively inexpensive, while remaining customizable. Read on for more information about the potential costs of installing a new exterior entry door.

    General Prices for Exterior Entry Doors

    Less expensive materials like fiberglass or pine generally begin around $200 to $400 for a basic, six-panel exterior entry door. Higher-end woods like mahogany and walnut can add $100 to $300 to the overall exterior entry door price. Additionally, a set of French exterior entry doors generally range from $300 to $800. With installation costs, a standard entry door of any style will cost an additional $300 to $700. An exterior entry door built with reinforced insulation, glass insets, and other added features, however, can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $12,000 with installation depending on the complexity of the project. For a complete entry system including a pre-hung door in its frame, hinges, locksets, sidelights, and weatherstripping, homeowners should expect spending anywhere between $2,000 to $6,000.

    Garage doors add extra costs, often ranging between $1,000 and $4,000.

    Added Features for Exterior Entry Doors

    Frequently added features for solid fiberglass or wood exterior entry door include decorative and hand-carved accents or glass side panels. To additionally maximize home security and exterior door safety, many manufacturers also offer options like draft-blocking thresholds and fire-proofing. Many solid entry doors feature a window, or several windows. For French or sliding glass exterior entry doors, a large single pane of glass is standard. However, double and even tripled-paned glass may be available to improve energy efficiency. Depending on the complexity, thickness, and amount of glass used, these upgrades usually cost an extra $600 to $3000 or more.

    It's worth spending money on an exterior entry door to boost your home's curb appeal. | @ / jon_chica

    Energy Efficiency and Tax Credits

    Despite the fact that glass and wood are not very energy efficient, many manufacturers can add multi-paned glass or a polyurethane insulation core to the door panels. These additions raise the R-value from as low as R-1 for even the most basic exterior entry door to R-5 or even higher. An insulation core can add about $100-$400, while multi-paned glass can tack on $100-$350 to the final cost. Exterior entry doors with improved insulation and thicker glass typically start around $300 to $700. If you're unsure how to start investing in more energy efficient doors, shopping for Energy Star doors is a great way to start.

    Sustainably Sourced Exterior Entry Doors

    Because many species of wood are currently listed as endangered or at-risk, homeowners can purchase an exterior entry door made with wood certified as sustainable by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Although FSC-certified wood doors can be more expensive, prices vary depending on the manufacturer.

    Summary: A Variety of Choices for Any Home

    Although there are endless options for homeowners to design, finish, and improve their new addition, an exterior entry door can still be a moderately-priced investment. Get started with HomeAdvancement’s easy links to find the ideal exterior entry door for your home today.

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    Written by: Adilson Dos Santos Jr., Editor