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    The Prices for Single Hung Windows

    Because windows are such an essential part of the home, it's vital to look at all the associated costs. A single hung window is a simple, affordable style of window for those homeowners on a tighter budget.
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    While double hung windows allow you to open and close both sashes, a single hung window only has one moveable sash. Read on to learn more about the costs for a single hung window.

    General Prices for a Single Hung Window

    A single hung window is a cost efficient option. Because there is less hardware required to move the single sash, a single hung window is generally less expensive than a double hung window. A single hung window usually costs anywhere from $100 to $250 and up.

    Added Features for a Single Hung Window

    It's important to be aware of the different types of window glass, as each option comes with different benefits. For example, a homeowner living in a warmer climate may prefer a window with reflective coatings that provide advanced temperature control. Meanwhile, homeowners concerned with excessive glare will prefer a window with heat absorbing tints. If cutting down energy costs is your main concern, gas-filled glass can provide excellent insulation. Depending on the type of glass used, replacement window glass will generally cost around $3 to $14 or more per square foot.

    Energy Efficiency for a Single Hung Window

    A single hung window is a great option for homeowners who are concerned about energy efficiency and would like to save on energy bills. While double hung windows allow much more heat loss, a single hung window will limit the amount of air that can filter in and out. This makes a single hung window ultimately more energy conscious, though some owners may prefer the extra ventilation of a double hung window.

    The window glass is also a factor in energy efficiency, as using insulated or gas-filled glass will significantly improve insulation. The addition of the high-performance low-e glass can also boost your casement window's insulation considerably. Low-e glass is a more expensive investment initially and can cost between $40 and $55 per square foot. However, in the long run, this type of glass can create considerable savings for energy bills

    Maintaining Your Single Hung Window

    In order to keep long-term window replacement costs down, it's essential to keep your single hung window properly cleaned. Keeping a single hung window clean is slightly more difficult than a double hung, as there is only the one moveable sash.

    Summary: An Inexpensive Option

    The simple hardware of the single hung window makes it a less expensive option than many other kinds of windows. Additionally. with the right window glass, you can save money on your home's energy bills. Use HomeAdvancement's easy links to contact a contractor today and install your single hung window.

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