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    A Guide to Custom Interior Doors

    Sometimes it’s impossible to find the perfect interior door to satisfy your home’s particular needs. If this is the case, then you should consider shopping for custom interior doors. Custom interior doors can be a great way to find the perfect door for a unique architectural situation, such as an historic home or a custom-designed and built home. They can also add a flourish of personality impossible to find with manufactured doors. However, before you begin shopping for custom interior doors, it’s important to familiarize yourself with a few basic points.
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    Custom Interior Doors: Basic Parts of a Door

    Often, buying custom interior doors means working with a craftsman or professional. Before you meet with anyone, however, it’s important to know the parts of a basic door so that you can get the most out of your meeting. Below, you’ll find a list of basic parts that are helpful to know when shopping for custom interior doors.

    Dimensions: Familiarizing yourself with common door measurements is important. For the most part, doors are constructed to be 80 inches tall, and common interior door widths are 28, 30, 32, and 34 inches. Obviously, these dimensions can be modified, and it’s important to consider what size will fit with the ceiling and surrounding windows (shorter doors may look awkward in rooms with high ceilings, for instance). Additionally, while 30 inches is a common width, remember that making door a little wider can help accommodate walkers, wheelchairs, and larger pieces of furniture. Finally, be sure you have at least an estimate of the measurements for the space where you wish to install your custom door.

    Stiles, Rails, and Panels: When discussing custom interior doors with professionals, stiles, rails, and panels are likely to come into the conversation. Stiles are the right and left vertical pieces of a door, while rails are the horizontal elements. Panels are the rectangular components created by the crossing rails and stiles, and they are usually flat or raised. Typically, the more panels you have, the more traditional a door looks, while fewer panels ensure a more contemporary, minimal tone.

    Sticking: The smallest element for custom interior doors, sticking is the trim separating the panel from both the stiles and rails. You can opt for ornate or simpler, unadorned styles of sticking.

    Custom Interior Doors: Who Makes Them?

    Now that you’re familiar with the basic component of custom interior doors, it’s time to consider where to find your custom door. Many local craftsman will be able to construct excellent custom interior doors, but several larger companies also offer options for custom interior doors. Jeld-Wen, for instance, offers a wide range of custom interior doors made from different wood species, all of which come in highly customizable styles. The Simpson Door Company also has a diverse array of options for custom doors, and includes helpful guidelines aimed at making the process easier on their website.

    Finally, one of the best ways to find excellent custom interior doors for your home is to check out our database of contractors and professionals. This extensive network can quickly connect you to talented home improvement professionals in your region, making it easy to find a professional who can walk you through the process of creating and installing custom interior doors.

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