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    The Prices for Hemlock Doors

    Easy to work with and fairly inexpensive, homeowners can enjoy many benefits from installing a hemlock entry door in their home. For homeowners concerned with the costs of installing a new hemlock entry door, there are many different added features and other options to explore today.
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    The two main types of hemlock used for woodworking are eastern and western hemlock. While both types are fairly similar, western hemlock is used for exterior doors more often due to its greater workability. Read on for more information about the costs of a hemlock entry door. 

    General Prices For A Hemlock Exterior Door 

    Because hemlock is so readily available, it is one of the more affordable options for wood entry doors. A hemlock door generally costs between $300 to $1,000 and up. Installation fees will add anywhere from $300 to $800 to the total hemlock door price. 

    For a complete hemlock door system, including the door in its frame, hinges, weatherstripping, sidelights, and locksets, homeowners should expect to pay anywhere from $2,000 to $4,000. 

    Added Features For Hemlock Entry Doors

    There are many options for additions to your hemlock door that will make it more unique. Many homeowners work closely with a contractor in order to achieve exactly the right look for their hemlock entry door. Essential additions such as a lock, knob, and knocker will generally cost around $300 to $400 if not already included in the package price. 

    When considering their hemlock door price, homeowners should keep in mind that glass is one of the largest factors. Many homeowners add window panels above each door (a transom) and window panels on each side (sidelights). These features will generally add $600 to $3,000 to the total hemlock door price.  

    Energy Efficiency And Tax Credits

    While hemlock is sturdy, strong wood, a hemlock entry door is not as energy efficient as other materials used for doors, such as steel or fiberglass. A hemlock entry door typically has an R-value of R-1 or R-2. However, an insulation core can be added to increase that number to R-5 or higher. An insulation core will generally add $100 to $400 to your hemlock door price. 

    Sustainably Sourced Hemlock Entry Doors

    While hemlock is a readily available material, homeowners with environmental concerns can purchase a certified sustainable door from the Forest Stewardship Council. The FSC ensures the material was grown and harvested in a sustainable manner. However, in considering your hemlock door price, it is important to note that FSC-certified wood tends to be more expensive. 

    Summary: A Cost-Efficient Wood for Your Home's Entry Door

    Abundant and easy to work with, a hemlock door is a great addition for any homeowner. In order to find the perfect hemlock door and find a price that fits your budget, it is essential to get in contact with a contractor. Use HomeAdvancement's easy links to get started looking for the perfect hemlock door today. 

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    Written by: Ansley Clark, Editor