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    A Guide to Screen Doors

    A great way to keep homes cool and insect-free, screen doors are a popular choice for many different kinds of homes. Besides their practical uses, screen doors can also add value and beauty to your home. Because there are many types of materials used for screen doors, homeowners have plenty of choices to consider.
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    The two main types of material used for screen door frames are wood and aluminum, although steel and fiberglass frames are also popular.There are also two different types of screen doors: sliding and hinged. Screen sliding doors are lightweight and better for smaller spaces. Hinged screen doors are the more durable option, and are recommended for larger spaces. Read on to decide if screen doors are a good investment for your home.

    Costs of Screen Doors

    Aluminum-based screen doors generally cost $50 to $200 and up. Roll formed screen doors are the less expensive option, as they are composed of squared aluminum tubes. Extruded screen doors have aluminum frames made from thicker aluminum than roll formed doors. While more expensive, they are more durable than roll formed screen doors. Wood screen doors tend to be slightly more expensive, ranging from $75 to $350 and up.

    Durability of Screen Doors

    A wooden frame will be more durable if it is constructed with stronger woods such as mahogany or oak. Aluminum frames on screen doors tend to be strong as well, and are naturally resistant to corrosion. Both wooden and aluminum doors are generally resistant to wear.

    How to Treat Screen Doors

    reating your screen door helps the frame last longer and adds to the door's aesthetic appeal. For wooden frames, apply a durable stain with a high-gloss finish. Additionally, many homeowners apply a coat of shellac, depending on the type of wood. For aluminum frames, it is recommended that the material be anodized for additional corrosion resistance. Additionally, anodizing gives the door a rich, metallic look. However, because anodizing aluminum can be a complicated process, some homeowners opt for a simple paint finish.

    Repairs and Maintenance

    Keeping your screen door clean and working smoothly will help it last longer. Screen sliding doors that use a track system and hinged screen doors both require occasional maintenance to keep them running well. Applying dry, non-oily lubricant to the screen door’s track can help keep it in good shape. It helps to run the track a few times to properly spread the lubricant. For a hinged screen door, a homeowner should spray the locking mechanism and hinges, opening and closing the door a few times to properly spread the lubricant. For both kinds of screen doors, keeping the frame clean makes it easier to repair the mesh when needed.

    Summary: A Great Option For Any Home

    Whether you are trying to keep your home's interior cool or want to add value to your home, screen doors are a great option. To get started and find a screen door today, contact residential contractors in your area by using HomeAdvancement’s easy links.

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    Written by: Adilson Dos Santos Jr., Editor