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    The Prices for Storm Doors

    A storm door provides an extra layer of protection against nasty weather, as well as an extra layer of insulation for your home. These features make a storm door a good financial investment: they not only prevent costly damage and increase your exterior door’s longevity, but they also save on energy bills.
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    Storm doors, which fit inside or outside existing exterior doors are an inexpensive way to eliminate drafts from your home and cut energy costs. Storm doors are far more elegant than their clunky predecessors, and so they can add a stylish flourish to your home’s entryway. Read on to learn more about the costs of storm doors.

    General Prices for Storm Doors

    Storm doors are generally inexpensive additions to your home. The average storm door price is about $100 to $350. A wood storm door is generally cheaper, costing around $100, while a PVC storm door is more expensive, costing $150-$200. Occasionally a storm door price can reach nearly $600, but such expensive storm doors are rare and often unnecessary. It is also important to keep in mind that paying for storm door installation can add up to $100 to the final bill.

    Added Features for Storm Doors

    Storm doors are highly customizable, and they have many potential features. For example, glass windows or panels are some of the most popular, and generally will add an additional $100-$250. A storm door with a retractable screen generally costs about $250-$300 total. A storm door with an added pet door costs about $150-$250. In general, most storm doors with added features cost $200 to $400.

    Energy Efficiency and Tax Credits

    Storm doors significantly increase your home’s energy efficiency. Adding a storm door to a newer, insulated door does not generally provide significant energy savings. However, adding a storm door to an older door in good condition can help cut down on your energy bills. Especially if your existing door is not already insulated, a storm door can help save you money by keeping a house cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

    Maintenance of Storm Doors.

    If you have a wood storm door, it will require the same maintenance as a standard wooden door. Additionally, a wood storm door should be painted to protect it from the elements. A wood storm should also be thick, preferably an inch or more, as a wood storm door's thickness determines its durability.

    A PVC storm door (also known as a vinyl storm door) is generally the most durable. A PVC storm door does require some kind of steel frame to increase its strength. Usually, a vinyl storm door is welded together, making it unlikely that a PVC storm door will fall apart. All in all, a vinyl storm door is very strong, and so will require less maintenance than a wood storm door.

    On average, the price of most storm doors repairs totals about $100 to $150.

    Summary: A Good Choice for the Buyer on a Budget

    Storm doors are a great choice for any homeowner trying to save money. They can result in substantial energy bill savings, and will also protect your doors from the elements, preventing the need for repairs. Though storm doors certainly tack on extra costs, the protection they provide, along with the savings they offer, make them a cost-effective choice for homeowners. To get started finding the right storm doors for your home, check out HomeAdvancement's easy links.

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    Written by: Anthony Elio, Editor