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    The Prices for Exterior Fiberglass Doors

    In recent years, a popular new alternative to conventional wood has emerged in the form of fiberglass entry doors. With fiberglass, you can have traditional style and elegance on par with woods like mahogany or walnut, for only a fraction of their prices. For homeowners concerned with their fiberglass door price, it is important to familiarize oneself with all available options for their investment.
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    A Fiberglass door can be used to imitate most popular wood species while still being relatively inexpensive, making them an affordable and highly customizable option. Read on for more information on the potential costs of installing a new fiberglass door.

    General Prices for a Fiberglass Door

    Since fiberglass traditionally serves as a cheaper alternative to traditional wood options, a basic, six-panel fiberglass door usually starts around $200-$300. With installation costs, a standard entry door is about $200-$700. A fiberglass door constructed with reinforced insulation, glass insets, and other added features, however, can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000 with installation.

    For a complete system including a pre-hung fiberglass door in its frame, hinges, locksets, sidelights, and weatherstripping, homeowners can expect spending anywhere between $2,000 to $4,000. 


    Fiberglass Door Added Features

    In the past, a customized fiberglass door was far more difficult and expensive to find. Today, however, many major retailers offer custom fiberglass entry doors to fit all tastes and needs. Frequently added features for a fiberglass door include decorative accents, glass side panels, and other stylistic embellishments. 

    Homeowners can also choose to install sidelights (window panels on either side of the door) or a transom (window panels above the door). Depending on the complexity, thickness, and amount of glass, these upgrades usually cost an extra $600 to $3000 or more.

    Energy Efficiency

    Fiberglass is one of the most energy efficient options available today. Beneath their molded surface, fiberglass doors have a framework of wooden stiles and rails that are insulated with a polyurethane core. This addition raises the R-value (i.e. thermal resistance) for a standard fiberglass entry door to R-5 or higher. An insulation core can add about $100-$400 to your total cost – fiberglass doors with added insulation typically start around $300 to $600.

    Tax Credit Opportunities

    For homeowners who have a fiberglass door, there is potential to receive a tax credit or other savings from their investment. To be eligible for Energy Star's tax credit, a fiberglass door must first meet specific criteria. The door must be Energy Star certified, meeting strict performance standards. The fiberglass door also must be installed in the taxpayer's primary residence. Homeowners may receive a tax credit of 10% of their overall door cost, up to $500 for eligible fiberglass entry doors.

    Summary: An Affordable Choice for Many Different Kinds of Homes

    Offering the best of both worlds, a fiberglass doors can offer all the beauty of traditional materials like mahogany, but for a margin of the price. To make the best decision, homeowners should consult with a contractor. Get started today with HomeAdvancement’s easy links to find a fiberglass entry door for your home.

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    Written by: Adilson Dos Santos Jr., Editor