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    How to Install an Interior Slab Door

    For the accomplished handyman or woman, knowing how to install a door is a no-brainer. However, most homeowners don't know how to install a door, and this kind of project can be a tricky or intimidating process. Our article below provides the basic tips for how to install a door.
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    This article provides installation instructions for slab interior doors. For more information on how to install a door, check out our articles on how to install a door, including pre-hung and exterior door installation.

    A home improvement professional can help you learn more about how to install a door. | @ / Kadmy

    1. Measure the Space

    First, you’ll need to measure the height and width of the old door (more often than not, you are replacing an existing door). Usually, 80 inches is a standard height, but widths vary. Make sure you bring these dimensions with you when you purchase your new door.

    2. Remove the Old Door

    Next, you’ll need to remove the existing door from the frame. Working from the hinge side of the door, remove the pins from the hinges (always start from the bottom so you’ve avoid being squashed by a falling door). Remember: an important part of learning how to install a door is keeping the hinges and lockset, as you’ll need these for your new door.

    3. Mark and Trim the New Door

    The next vital step in learning how to install a door is marking and trimming it. Once you have your new door, lay it on two sawhorses and then lay the old door on top, ensuring that the two doors' top and lockset edges are flush.

    Trace around the old door so that you know how much to trim the new door. Then, trim your new door with a circular saw, using the markings you made as a guide.

    4. Handle the Hinges

    After trimming the door, lay the old door on top of the new door once again, making sure that all four edges are flush.

    Next, using a utility knife, mark the positioning of the old door’s hinge mortises on the new door. Then, chisel the outline for the hinge mortise and make a series of close cuts about the depth of the hinge within the outline.

    Chip away the surface wood with your chisel, making sure to avoid digging too deeply. Now that you’ve carved out the hinge mortise, it’s time to install the hinge itself. Make sure that the hinge is flush with the edge of the door, and then screw it into place.

    5. Assemble Lockset and Install

    Mark where the strike plate meets the edge of the door, and then affix the lockset template with this mark and mark out the placement for the doorknob and latch. Then, drill the doorknob face and cut the edge for the latch. Finally, apply your desired finish for the door (such as stain or paint), wait for it to dry, and then install the latch and the doorknobs.

    Finally, set the door within its frame and connect the hinge knuckles. Ask an assistant to insert the hinge pins while you hold everything in place. As a final step, test the door and make sure it swings and shuts properly, and make adjustments as needed.

    Now that you’ve read about how to install a door, remember to use our helpful database of contractors. A home improvement professional can tell you more about how to install a door and help you experience a speedier and safer installation processes, provide second opinions and personalized advice, and more.
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    Written by: Ian David Clark, Editor